Forever in my Heart: Book 3 in My Heart Series Page 14
As the others finish hair and make-up, I brush my teeth and decide to put my dress on. If I don’t hurry, I will be running late for when the photographer arrives for some bridal shots.
I put on my push-up bodice, it was the only one that I can wear with this dress to emphasize my cleavage but be low enough to expose my back.
My sexy white g-string to match is very lacy and pretty. I think it will be a hit with a certain sexy surfer.
I carefully unzip my delicate dress and step into it, just as I hear a knock at the door. “Hey, Rox, it’s Jem. Do you need a hand?” she asks me offering her help at just the right time.
“Yeah sure, good timing, come on in,” I say to her as I am pulling the dress up at the front and slipping my arms through the gorgeous embroidered straps.
“Oh Rox, the dress is sensational. Let me zip it up, your back looks so sexy,” she admits to me as she zips it up with ease. I spin around to show her the front.
I love everything about this dress, I can’t believe it fits so well and looks so elegant.
“I really do feel like a beach princess,” I announce to Jemma smiling.
“Well come on and let’s get these photos done so you can go and meet your beach prince,” Jemma says to me sweetly, and it couldn’t be more fitting as to me Kade is my prince charming.
My father arrives looking so handsome in the brown pants and white top we picked out for him.
“Oh Roxy, my gorgeous daughter you are a vision, absolutely beautiful,” he announces to me and I can’t help but shed a tear.
“Oh, thanks, Dad that means so much to me to hear you say that. I am so glad that you are here, and back in my life,” I confess hugging him.
And to think, up until twelve months ago he was someone that I didn’t talk to and even despised. I am grateful for our newfound relationship.
We get some beautiful garden photos, with my mum and my dad and, of course, my gorgeous maid of honour, Jemma.
My favourites are the fancy shots they took in the bedroom, using the mirror, showing each angle of my dress and hair style from sideways and behind.
Jemma looks smoking in her dress, the aqua colour suits her tanned skin and her long legs are hot in the short dress.
“That dress looks amazing on you Jem,” Tia tells her. Tia is wearing a three-quarter coral coloured dress, flowing nicely not as tight as Jemma’s.
“Thanks Tia, you don’t scrub up too bad yourself, girlfriend,” Jemma replies back.
“Dan is here Roxy, it is time to go, we don’t want to make a fashionably late entrance, an extremely late entrance.”
Dan has borrowed his father’s Ashton Martin to drive us to the wedding. We didn’t need a fancy car, but it does feel nice riding in something a little classy. Dad and I are sitting in the back with Jemma in the passenger seat. Driving behind us are Jeremy and Seline, who have Mum with them and Ebony and Dave. All of our cars have an aqua ribbon on the front to symbolise our special day.
I think of Kade as I look out the window, wondering where he is right now. He had the boys at his dad’s last night. I received a text just before I went to sleep and he didn’t seem as drunk as I was expecting.
I can’t help but wonder if he is going to be shitty with me because I told his mum to come today. His mother that he dislikes for cheating on his father, of course I asked Robert’s permission first and he was perfectly fine with it. I just know how amazing it feels to have my father back in my life; if I can prevent it from escalating with Kade and his mother I’m sure as hell am going to give it a good try.
Kade should definitely be there by now with Pete, standing at the altar under the gazebo just waiting for me to take his hand in holy matrimony.
Dan pulls the fancy car up at the esplanade at Manly beach, he jumps out to open the back for me and being helpful he reaches in to help me out. I am grateful for my not so tall shoes right now and having a straight dress and not a long train has made today easier.
I can hear the soothing sound of the waves crashing on the sand. It is a beautiful background noise with a seagull squawking every so often. I inhale the salty smell and it reminds me of Kade, this beach setting, the scent, all of it is him. I can’t wait to see how handsome he looks.
“Okay Jem, can you check my hair, and help me apply some more lipstick?” I ask my maid of honour since it’s her job to make sure I look as perfect as possible.
“Okay, I’m just fixing a few stray hairs and applying lipstick. Now you are ready. You looking amazingly beautiful, let’s go get you married,” she announces to me excitedly.
“Roxy, you do look perfect honey,” my dad tells me assuring me, and I smile at his words. His support and him being here to walk me down the aisle means the world to me.
“I’m ready,” I tell Jemma as she makes her way down to the hillside of the beach. There is a walkway that we need to go through, then the musician will start our song of choice. “All of Me” by John Legend as we follow Jemma down the aisle.
I can’t help but notice just what a wonderful day it is for an outdoor wedding; warm, but not boiling hot. There is a pleasant breeze blowing, I am so glad as it is cooling our family members and guests as they take their seats. Having our wedding seaside is much more of a romantic setting than having it inside a church.
The beautiful bridal gazebo tops off the backdrop where we will be saying our vows and the white sand beautifully cascades, as the wave’s crash in rhythm against it. Sweet strains of classical music drift through the crowd, sounding like an orchestra and yet it is a cd; I thought the silence may be a bit unnerving.
Dad and I arrive at the pathway just behind Jemma. I can see a few of our guests in a lot of pretty pastel dresses worn by the ladies and the men are dressed in casual shorts. I can imagine they would love the idea of being so casual at a wedding.
The white and aqua themed colours elegantly match on the chairs and tables, along with the beach shells, starfish and, of course, the sand. That was free of charge and an added bonus.
There is a hanging blackboard heart at the start of the path that says, ‘Today I Marry the One I Love.’
I smile at that statement, absolutely spot on.
Just as we are all dressed and are about to pile into the car, I hear my name being called by a male voice. Wondering who the hell it could be I turn around and I am whacked in the back of my head with a large piece of wood. Fuck me that hurt.
I am startled and awake to Dad's voice. “Kade, Kade, wake up, son,” he is calling to me as I open my eyes. I notice I am laying on the concrete ground. What the hell?
I slowly sit up with my head throbbing, and I look to the road and see a parked police car. That’s right; I remember getting hit in the head.
“Kade, do you know where you are?” Dad questions me looking concerned.
“Yeah, at your place. Who fucking hit me with the timber?” I ask him, puzzled as to who the fuck would do that. Maybe for a robbery?
“Kade, it was Dylan. He escaped from jail,” Pete chimes in with the worst news I could imagine.
Fucking hell, Dylan!
I hastily look over to the police car again and there he is the fucking cocksucker sitting in the back of the car. I try and jump to my feet to go and smash the guy senseless, but I am still shaking.
“Kade, calm down. Pete tackled him and we called the cops. He is going to be locked away again, but this time in maximum security,” Dad explains to me.
The policeman comes over to us. “How are you feeling, Kade?” he questions me.
“The head is sore, but I just can’t believe it was Dylan. What if he hurt Roxy? How the hell did he get out?” I ask him all of my questions at once feeling frustrated and annoyed.
“Oh shit, Roxy and the wedding! Did I miss it? Roxy will fucking kill me!” I say and I feel like crying if I missed my own goddamn wedding.
“No, you haven’t missed it, dude, but we have to leave now, Kade. You should get that head checked o
ut first,” Dad says to me sounding concerned as a parent does.
“No way, it is fine. I am getting to the beach to marry my girl!” I exclaim to him as I stand slowly at first and go to check my head in the rearview mirror and get my keys off the ground. There is no blood but just a huge bump that no one will even know is there.
“Thanks, officer, I am just glad he didn’t hurt anyone else. He is a psycho, you know his record, right?” I announce to him. Justice needs to be served better if people are escaping from jail.
“You are welcome. Looks like we did our job well today. Oh, and he wasn’t armed so I don’t think he would have caused much trouble,” he adds confirming a suspicion I had whether he may have had a gun or a knife.
I give Dylan one last look, and I shake my head. He is pathetic and now he will go to a higher security jail and for a much longer time. Thank God for that.
“Let’s go,” I announce to Dad and Pete as I jump into his car to take us to my wedding.
Now to get to my wedding. I drive like the wind.
Jemma is delicately holding her small bouquet of pink roses, white camellias and baby breath; it’s similar to mine but not exactly the same. I see her nod to the musician.
She turns to give me a warm, comforting smile. As the music starts, that is her cue, so she slowly makes her way down the aisle. There are flower petal hearts scattered leading up to the gazebo along with lit Tiki torches that line the aisle.
Feeling so pleased with the decorations and the venue I smile at Dad. I exhale gently and I find my eyes wandering, hopeful that I will see him, I need to see him, and there he is.
He looks mouth-watering in his white dress shirt, unbuttoned exposing his muscly chest, his hair has been styled and it looks so cool. I am in awe of this man I am about to marry. He smiles warmly at me, and my heart flips and somersaults.
I see Jemma stand on the left side in her spot and she nods to me, so Dad and I make our way gradually down the aisle. I walk with my arm linked with his. I can’t stop smiling for so many reasons. I see our families and friends, they are grinning, some are crying. I notice Emma and little Crystal all dressed up in a pretty dress and she mouths ‘Beautiful’ to me making me smile wider.
I am also beyond happy with my wedding gown. Even the bodice is fitting nicely. Rhinestones and pearl beads are sparkling in the sunlight. I have my two-tier veil over my face, with a matching crystal headpiece. Holding my stunning bouquet that has my favourite pink roses, baby breath and purple oriental lilies, it is pleasing to look at and smells sweet.
We did contemplate Jeremy playing the guitar and serenading our guests, but I am his little sister, so I thought he might like to enjoy our special day with us, not have to perform.
My curious eyes once again find his walnut coloured irises and his smile is beaming with amazement. I affectionately smile back and start to tear up as I make my way to his side.
There are no doubts in my mind about marrying Kade. We belong together, and I don’t believe a more perfect couple exists than him and I.
Dad walks me over to Kade and puts my hand in his, the spark ignites as we touch, and he squeezes my hand gently as I notice just how sweaty his palm is. Oh my sweet surfer is nervous, that warms my heart.
“Thanks, Bill,” Kade says to my father as Dad kisses me and takes his seat next to his new wife.
“Hi baby, you look breathtakingly beautiful,” Kade confesses to me with adoration that I can see in his eyes and from his body language.
“Hi baby, you look so handsome,” I whisper back.
The music comes to a stop as the minister starts the ceremony.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this glorious spring day to celebrate the wedding of Kade Thomas and Roxy Thorne.”
After a few poems, and talking about God and relationships, I find Kade’s eyes on me. “Do you realise how gorgeous you look?” he whispers making me smile.
“Now, Kade and Roxy have written their own vows so Kade would you like to go first.”
Wedding Vows
“Roxy, I remember the first time I saw you. I was mesmerised by your beauty, your confidence and I think I may have even fallen in love with you that day if I am honest with myself. You have turned my world around. You make me feel loved, you encourage me and support me and I promise to love you, encourage you, and support you forever.
“Look how far we have come Roxy. We’ve had obstacles along the way, but we made it Rox, we beat the odds. we made it to the alter. You are the most earth-shattering woman in the universe and I promise to love and cherish you long after we are buried in the earth.
“We are soulmates and we will be together in the hereafter, always a part of each other, not even death can separate us. Today I make you my wife, forever my best friend and my lover, one day the mother of my children. Roxy, you have made my dreams come true.”
Wedding Vows
“Kade, I love you with all of my heart and my soul. Your love takes me to the clouds above, some days I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. My life with you is perfect, magical, and my own little fairy tale. Romeo and Juliet have nothing on us, baby.”
“You fulfil every one of my needs and you always see the best in me. I savour every moment we spend together. You are my strength, you taught me that I don’t need to hide in the shadows, and that taking chances is what life is all about.”
“You are all I will ever need, until the end of time. You have my word I will love you until my dying day. You are my world, my one and only and today is the happiest day of my life.”
“Now we move on to the ring part of the ceremony. Does the best man have the rings?” the minister asks Pete.
“Yes, here they are,” Pete replies handing them to the minister.
“Kade, repeat after me. With this ring I give you my heart, I promise from this day forward you shall not walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home.”
Kade gently places the ring on my finger.
“Roxy repeat after me. With this ring I give you my heart, I promise from this day forward you shall not walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home.”
I place the ring carefully onto Kade’s finger.
“Kade, do you take Roxy to be your wife, to cherish in friendship and love, to trust and honour her through the good times and the bad, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” Kade replies smiling and looking deep into my eyes, his hands holding mine softly.
“Roxy, do you take Kade to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love, to trust and honour him through the good times and the bad, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” I reply smiling widely as I give myself to Kade today and always.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the celebrant announces.
Kade dives in to kiss me, caressing my face lovingly. It is such a warm, meaningful kiss and our first one as husband and wife.
“Woohoo!” the guests cheer and clap. God it is a sensational feeling.
“Get a room!” I hear Jemma call out, and the crowd laugh.
“You are now my wife, Roxy,” Kade whispers to me and kisses me softly again as I smile, my cheeks hurt from grinning so much already.
We sign the book with Jemma and Pete and we get some stunning silhouette photos by sunset, with the waves breaking in the background and water spraying off the rocks.
We take our seats the caterers are serving appetizers of mini quiches, minted lamb skewers and toasted bruschetta.
Our bridal table is just gorgeous with fairy lights behind it on a lattice stand. It is beautifully decorated with a floral table centrepiece of coral and candelabra, and a single starfish sits in each bouquet at the guests tables.
The chair covers are white silk organza with aqua ribbon. The napkins are aqu
a with a white ribbon and the caterers set up the cute little photo frames with shells that Jemma and I made with each guests name and a thank you note.
I cannot fault a God damn thing.
All of the guests take their seats for the formal events to start.
“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a warm cheer for our newlywed couple Kade and Roxy Thomas,” the host for the night states and everyone cheers and claps as Kade and I stand, and he raises my hand up in the air in victory.
The song “Celebrate” by Kool and the Gang plays, as that is what we are doing, celebrating our marriage to one another.
“The best man and maid of honour, Pete and Jemma, give them a loud welcome,” he tells us through the microphone.
After we enjoy our entrees of chicken Florentine and crab cakes, it’s time for the part that most people get bored with.
“Just keep your speech short and sweet, Kade,” I tell him even though he isn’t the first speaker.
“Hope everyone enjoyed their entrees, now it’s time for the speeches, and first up is the best man, Pete,” the emcee announces to us.
“To start, I’d just like to say how beautiful Roxy looks today, very elegant, and Jemma you scrubbed up okay too,” he jokes as they seem to stir each other. “No, honestly you both look beautiful,” he states correcting his last statement.
“What can I say about my best mate, Kado? Well, honestly, he is the best bloke I have ever met without a doubt, he is loyal, trustworthy and has been there for my wife Emma and myself through thick and thin,” Pete states honestly.
“I could see just how smitten he was with Roxy from the moment they met, he had found his soul mate and I guarantee you Roxy, you could not find a better husband if you searched the world. I wish you both the best in life. Your journey together has just begun and I know you will still be deeply in love when you are old and grey.”
“A toast to the gorgeous couple. Love you both and have a wonderful life together,” Pete says and I have tears running down my cheeks. We are both so grateful to have Pete in our lives without a doubt.